Audits | Fire Risk Assessments | Fire Plans

When it comes to fire safety in the workplace, everyone has a shared responsibility to ensure that major incidents can be avoided. However, this requires a dedicated approach to risk management across all levels of an organisation. Anyone assigned fire safety responsibilities, including managers, supervisors, and employees, has a duty of care for those around them. Despite this, many of these individuals lack sufficient Fire Safety and Awareness training.

By completing this Fire Safety training, individuals can become more attentive towards hazards in the workplace and ultimately save lives.

Fire Risk Assessments

A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal requirement. If you are responsible for a building or a premise, for example an employer, owner or occupier of premises that isn’t a ‘single private dwelling’ (a private home), you need to make sure a suitably competent person completes a Fire Risk Assessment, and this is kept under review.

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Fire Safety Strategies for Premises

A Fire Safety Strategy aims to demonstrate compliance with relevant Building Regulations and will include comment on issues such as ;
• means of warning in case of fire
• means of escape
• internal fire spread (linings and structure)
• external fire spread, and
• access for fire service

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Fire Safety Management Plans

A Fire Safety Management Plan should contain details such as day-to-day running of the premises relating to tests, service and maintenance of all active and passive fire safety measures, i.e. fire doors, fire alarm system, emergency lighting and sprinklers. In addition, it should include details of emergency actions and information for residents / building users.

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Fire Safety Management For Newly Constructed / Amended Premises

Stage 1 to provide comment on the active and passive fire safety measures requirements necessary for the premises. Often additional information is required such as;
• Copy of design & access statement submitted with planning application
• Copy of Mechanical & Electrical drawings
• Details of sprinkler specifications
• Details of potential occupancy, e.g. disabled, over 55, etc.
• Height of building

Stage 2 to provide pre-handover advice which is beneficial to the client. It involves a site visit carried out near the completion of the building works and the final completion visit with the building contractors and local building control. This provides an opportunity to check testing and operation of the fire alarm and emergency lighting and to snag any minor defects on fire doors, fire signage, etc.

Stage 3 to provide building occupancy advice and to undertake the premises Fire Risk Assessment. Also provided is compliance guidance and assistance to designated responsible persons who may be involved in looking after the building once it is handed over and occupied.

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Our Fire Safety And Awareness Training Course

At FOCUS Group, we specialise in providing Fire Safety and Awareness training which is tailored to specific organisational needs.

We can create a course to meet every need, with modules covering all theoretical and legal elements of fire safety. We also support knowledge with practical techniques for evacuation.

Marc White …“Very useful and practical training. I feel the team and myself have really benefitted from the session.

Upon Completion of Our Training, Our Clients:

  • Can manage fire safety effectively in the workplace
  • Develop knowledge of the science behind fire and how it can spread
  • Understand the elements of a fire risk assessment and fire evacuation strategies
  • Can identify common fire hazards
  • Become confident with the operation of fire safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers
  • Become confident in reacting appropriately to a fire incident
  • Understand the importance of fire safety signage and equipment
  • Understand the importance of implementing a fire evacuation strategy
  • Can manage the process of evacuation safely
  • Understand the roles involved in a safe response to fire
  • Can calculate evacuation times and understand how these can be reduced
  • Can complete horizontal evacuation and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

Please be aware that these learning outcomes will vary depending on the module(s) selected.

Who Benefits From Fire Safety and Awareness Training?

  • Anybody that is assigned fire safety responsibilities within a business
  • Managers, supervisors, or employees of residential accommodation, including care homes
  • Individuals who act as the designated fire warden for a business or building
  • Anyone expecting to take on fire warden responsibilities in the future
  • Demonstration of evacuation equipment (Evacuation chairs/Mattresses
  • Assessment of delegates using equipment

*Using equipment provided by the organisation that is receiving training

Fire Drill (Practical)

  • Carrying out fire drills with delegates using roleplay including use of fire alarm panel, safe search and rescue
  • Course fees: In-house training costs are available on application.
  • How to book Fire Safety and Awareness training: For more information about our Fire Safety and Awareness training course, call us today on 0141 212 4900, email or complete the form below.

If you’d like to find out more about our consultancy services, don’t hesitate to get in touch and speak to one of our friendly team members. Alternatively, we will be more than happy to pay you a visit and talk to you about your specific requirements for free.

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Excellent health and safety consultancy. We used Focus Safety Group to help us with our fire risk assessments initially. Since working with them we've been using Focus Safety Group as our health & safety consultants, who not only ensure we comply with health and safety regulations but also improve our business performance.

Judy Lyons

Highly recommend, relaxed atmosphere, great training.

John Birch

Highly recommend Focus Safety Group if you're looking at any type of safety training. Really knowledgeable and if they don't know the answer they will find out for you.

Patrick James

Great training friendly staff really safe due to covid 19 well equipped thanks.

Tony Stewart

A totally professional experience from start to finish. We would recommend them for all your training needs.

Graham Moore


If you have any questions and want to know more please fill in the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.